What is the combo for blossom dragon in dragon mania legend pc
What is the combo for blossom dragon in dragon mania legend pc

what is the combo for blossom dragon in dragon mania legend pc

Do t forget, LVl them up to at least lvl10 to get an epic or rare dragon

what is the combo for blossom dragon in dragon mania legend pc what is the combo for blossom dragon in dragon mania legend pc

I done this with all dragons and its all working in first tries except for one uncommon dragon that took me 2 tries altho it was worth it.

what is the combo for blossom dragon in dragon mania legend pc

Mine took 9 + hrs to breed and 21 or 15 hrs( can’t remember which one) to hatch and I got the agave dragon in my first try. I bought a plant dragon and levelled it up to 10 as well and then I need them in f exact order as the elements goes in the agave dragon. Now d last thing I needed was a plant dragon. The fire and water are first so I found a dragon that not only has the fire and water but in the exact order like this: Fire, then water. It has the fire, water and plant element. If I want to get a rare, epic or dragons that are commonly but have two or more elements, I do this: I followed everything in this page except for thing. I actually thought about it and then I thought it was stupid and then it worked! Just like the thing says, if you want to breed a dragon. *There are 118 entries (at 150, further entries stop displaying and must be paginated).These are all the combinations for the Dragon Mania Legends – you have a lot of breeding to do, so start doing it if you want all these amazing dragons! The table below is ← scrollable →, hold the Shift key while using the scroll wheel (with your pointer over the table) on desktop to scroll horizontally. No combinations, apart from the ones given in the table below, result in these Legendary Dragons. With the very few exception of some Dragons, no combination, not even the recommended one, is guaranteed to breed the Dragons below and multiple attempts may be needed. The combinations below are suggested due to having the fewest possible outcomes and lowest breeding times. These Dragons can be bred normally at any given time, without the need of game mechanics such as VIP or events, either using a combination of Dragons with specific Elements after these have been unlocked through leveling, or a pair of specific Dragons such as is needed when breeding Legendaries.

What is the combo for blossom dragon in dragon mania legend pc